Pedophiles put themselves under the LGBT umbrella in rebranding effort

A paedophile group is trying to destigmatize paedophilia by calling themselves “Minor-Attracted Persons” (MAPs) rather than paedophiles. Gay groups are up in arms because in the process the same paedophile group is claiming to be part of the LGBT community, even having gone so far as to create their own version of the rainbow flag for Gay Pride Month. This should come as no surprise. In essence, the MAP group is attempting to re-hitch its wagon to the gay community, which, for the sake of political – and judicial – expediency, distanced themselves from the paedophile cause beginning a few decades ago. For the last dozen years or so, the gay rights movement has focused the lion’s share of its energy on what appear to many to be conservative issues: winning same-sex marriage and the right to openly serve in the military. Yet the warm, fuzzy, family-oriented, “American as baseball and apple pie” picture of gay culture presented to the world by gay activists is...