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Every so often, the mainstream media hands us a story that so perfectly displays their contempt for Christians in the United States that it almost necessitates an educational diagnosis. Earlier this week, NBC News produced one such story, sporting the foreboding title “Betsy DeVos visits school with explicit anti-transgender policy.” Trump’s transphobes are on the move, and NBC is on the case. As it turns out, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has been visiting various schools this week for a “2019 Back-to-School” tour, and one school she dropped in on was the Harrisburg Catholic Elementary School in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. While there, she joined a round-table to promote the Educational Improvement Tax Credit, which is designed to assist students from lower-income brackets with scholarships so that they can attend private schools. But there is more to the story. According to NBC: While DeVos’ visit most immediately involved the future of the tax credit, it also made a state...