
Showing posts with the label Righteousness

Christian Gay confusion over God

Christ the Saviour (Pantokrator), a 6th-century encaustic icon from Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai. NB - slightly cut down - for full size see here (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) God ’s love and His holiness are broken out into different aspects in Scripture.  Within His love, for example, we can distinguish mercy, forbearance, kindness, and compassion.  Within His holiness, we can see righteousness , faithfulness, justice, judgment , and wrath. God’s holy-love is shorthand for His entire character . SOME GROUPS WANT TO SEPARATE GOD What this hyphenated language does is remind us that God’s character is whole. The God who “is love” ( 1 John 4:8 ) is always, everywhere, and at the same time, the God who is a “consuming fire” ( Heb. 12:29 ) and the One who is “light” ( 1 John 1:5 ).  When we meet God, we meet Him in the wholeness of His character. His judgment, for example, is always preceded by His patience.  It is always shadowed by His mer...

Bible rejects homosexual argument and slavery logic

English: Abraham Sees Sodom in Flames, circa 1896–1902, by James Jacques Joseph Tissot (French, 1836-1902) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) There are, in our day, two principle competing views on how to answer this question. Because we live in a world where those committing sexual perversion have become a protected class , certain circles of the church have rushed to accommodate them. The up and coming theory, however anti- intuitive it might be is this- God destroyed Sodom not because it was a city given over to perversion, but because it was a city that failed to exercise hospitality. God’s wrath was poured out not because the men of Sodom, pounding on Lot’s door, wanted to sexually assault the angels, but because the angels were not treated with grace and compassion. It wasn’t what they wanted to take, but what they failed to give. The more conservative wing of the church, of course, takes an older view, a more intuitive view. The narrative here goes like this- Sodom was a ci...