
Showing posts with the label National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

Southwest Airlines promotes immoral homosexual agenda

Southwest Airlines ramp operations at William P. Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas, United States. A Boeing 737-500 (N521SW) can be seen in the background parked at gate 45. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Time to expose the radical corporate giving priorities of Southwest Airlines – including Southwest’s role as a major funder of the annual homosexual activist “Creating Change” conference put on by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) . Creating Change, which begins today in Houston, Texas , promotes: the “homosexualization” of Christianity; extreme transgender activism including laws allowing transgender “girls” and “women” (read: boys/men in dresses) to use female restrooms; pro-homosexual/transgender programs in schools (even for very young students); and sadomasochism . Creating Change is the organizing event for more than 3,000 LGBT (lesbian, “gay,” bisexual and “transgender”) activists across the nation – with “how to” workshops on: Redefining Christianity with pro-h...

Homosexuality has its own moral code, sort of...

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Scientific/clinical refresher relevant to political perspectives The standard scientific/clinical definition of sexual orientation is a person’s choice of sexual object. There are many types of sexual orientations . Heterosexuality (individuals whose choice of sexual object is a person of the opposite sex) is the sexual orientation of roughly 95 percent of the population. In American society pedophilia (adults whose choice of sexual object is children) is probably the most the despised sexual orientation. Homosexuality is a sexual orientation where a person’s choice of sexual object is a person of the same gender. There is no scientific evidence that shows homosexuality is a condition individuals are born with. Yet homosexuals do not choose their homosexual desires. There is over fifty years of evidence showing that homosexuality can be caused by a combinati...

The Homosexual gene has disappeared!

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A publication from the American Psychological Association includes an admission that there is no “gay” gene, according to a doctor who has written about the issue on the website of National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality. A. Dean Byrd , the past president of NARTH, confirmed that the statement from the American Psychological Association came in a brochure that updates what the APA has advocated for years. Specifically, in a brochure that first came out about 1998, the APA stated: “There is considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person’s sexuality.” However, in the update: a brochure now called, “Answers to Your Questions for a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality,” the APA’s position changed. The new statement says: “T...

Activists dissatisfied Obama believes marriage a ‘state by state’ issue: ‘so was slavery’

WASHINGTON, May 10, 2012 ( ) - Although a host of top gay rights groups piled on the praise for President Obama’s marriage reversal this week, some say they are unhappy that the president didn’t go further by declaring opposition to the 39 U.S. states that define marriage as between a man and a woman. From the start of his 2008 presidential campaign up until an ABC interview that aired Wednesday, Obama had said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman, although he frequently hinted to gay rights audiences that he was “evolving” towards another stance. “At a certain point I just concluded that for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,”  said Obama  this week. The incumbent’s about-face came days after Vice President Joe Biden and Education Secretary Arne Duncan both expressed support for revamping marriage, resulting in a build-up of pressure on the president to m...

Billionaire funds pro-homosexual groups with churches

Image via Wikipedia Top ‘gay-rights’ groups claiming to represent Christians and Catholics, and at least one Jesuit-run college, are being funded by a major homosexualist business magnate with the aim of stirring up dissent within the ranks of the church. In a  recent article  Thomas Peters, Cultural Director for the National Organization for Marriage and founder of the American Papist blog, revealed the funding sources of various groups that promote acceptance of homosexuality under the guise of representing concerned members of the Judaeo-Christian community. Groups such as New Ways Ministry , a top group recently  condemned by the U.S. Catholic bishops, have received large sums from the Arcus Foundation for the purpose of promoting same-sex “marriage” specifically among Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Jews. The Arcus Foundation was begun by Jon Stryker , an openly gay billionaire stockholder and a leading supporter of homosexualist initiatives. A 2006...