Transgender ‘man’ gives birth and the media thinks it’s awesome

EXPERIMENTING ON CHILDREN Is it possible for a man to be pregnant and give birth ? Nope, because it's physically and biologically impossible. This doesn't stop many media articles from referring to a new mother as a "man." This new mother is Trystan Reese, who identifies as a man and is married to a gay man . Thus, Reese and her husband Biff Chaplow consider themselves "accidentally gay parents " (Biff considers himself more of the family mom , though.) Articles about Reese say she was "assigned female sex at birth"... and then go on to "assign" her new baby a sex: male. Transgender man gives birth to a boy , read a CNN headline . Transgender man gives birth to baby boy , The Washington Post announced . If biological sex is totally irrelevant and gender is simply determined by one's feelings, then why are Reese and Chaplow assuming their baby's gender? EXPERIMENTING ON CHILDREN EXPERIMENTI...