Gay activists ‘sexualize and exploit’ young girl after ‘coming out’ as lesbian in Mormon church service

Homosexual activists and their liberal allies are acclaiming the videotaped “coming out” testimony of a 12-year-old Mormon girl who declared she was lesbian in a church service. But two Mormon pro-family leaders are decrying the girl’s mom, who recently came out as lesbian, for sexualizing and exploiting her vulnerable daughter. “Why are her mother and father, and why is everyone else, so eager to sexualize and exploit this vulnerable young girl in this way?” wrote Janice Graham, co-founder of Standard of Liberty ( SOL ), a pro-family Mormon group, in a blog post titled “ The Sexualizing of Savannah .” On Sunday, May 7, Savannah Ward, age 12, read a prepared speech at a Provo Utah LDS [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] church meeting, “where once a month any and all congregants are invited to share their brief testimonies of Jesus Christ with the group,” according to Graham, a committed Mormon. Ward told the church service: “I believe I was m...