Rev. Dr Keith Mascord wants Christians to apologise to homosexuals

The article below outlines the non- Biblical secular thinking of a free-lance (de-licenced) Anglican pastor who not only supports homosexuality but wants Godly people to apologize to sinful homosexuals for offending their feelings. This man is preaching another gospel? He talks of homosexuals as vulnerable victims who are hurting and feel unaccepted. Throughout this campaign homosexuals have heard very clearly that there is forgiveness for the sin of homosexuality but this has been rejected, ridiculed and even questioned. Homosexuality was presented as something that will contribute to value of our country, that granting gay marriage is fair. Unfortunately, truth - God 's truth has been thrown out the window and in exchange 'being fair' has replaced it as a higher moral virtue. The deeply flawed article is presented below . It includes false arguments and assertions. The author claims to be a committed Christian (but see the statements below) either way I se...