Buzzfeed’s ‘global’ poll shows acceptance of transgenderism on the rise. Just one problem.

Transgender rights to adopt, to marry, to use washrooms of their choice are accepted by majorities in the United States , Canada , and most of the other 21 countries polled by Ipsos Global Advisor for two pro- LGBT organizations in a survey intended "to get a sense of global attitudes on transgender rights," but that notably excluded parts of the world most opposed to the LGBT agenda . The Internet survey of 17,105 adults (ages 18-64 in the U.S. and Canada, 16-64 in all other countries) was conducted for pro-LGBT news site Buzzfeed and the Williams Institute , the LGBT research center at UCLA . It surveyed a range of European and Latin American countries, Canada and the U.S., China, South Korea, Japan, India, South Africa, and Turkey. South Africa is considered the most liberal country in Africa, where public attitudes elsewhere on the continent are mostly critical of the LGBT agenda. The only country represented from the predominantly Muslim Middle East was Turke...