Merkel opens the door for immoral homosexual marriage - votes against it - anger her conservatives.

The German Parliament , or Bundestag, debated and approved immoral homosexual marriage . Now, gay activists and lawmakers are demanding the next steps which includes revising the Constitution ’s anti-discrimination article so it provides protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity . Such a change would require approval from two-thirds of Parliament’s 630 members. Immoral gay activists have spent years lobbying for such a constitutional change, but it is unclear whether conservatives will allow it, said Volker Beck , a Green Party lawmaker and a longtime promoter of immoral homosexual sin. After two major political parties made legalization a condition of any future coalition with the Christian Democratic Union , Chancellor Angela Merkel ’s party, Ms. Merkel, who ultimately voted against the law , said the issue should be decided as “a question of conscience, rather than something I push through with a majority vote.” Since Ms. Merkel opened the...