
Showing posts with the label Sexual abstinence

Make Abstinence sexy!

Image via Wikipedia Evangelical abstinence campaigns have shifted their emphasis from "just say no" to sex before marriage to "just say yes"—within marriage, that is, says Christine Gardner. In  Making Chastity Sexy  ( University of California Press ), the Wheaton College communications professor examines the rhetoric of three evangelical abstinence organizations, comparing them with an abstinence campaign in sub-Saharan Africa , where HIV / AIDS is a common threat.  Christianity Today  online editor Sarah Pulliam Bailey spoke with Gardner about the larger ideas communicated to young people in the campaign. What did you find upon examining the language of the U.S. abstinence movement ? This is a study of rhetoric in the classical sense—the study of the art of persuasion, focusing on three very specific church-related evangelical campaigns. These groups are using a savvy rhetorical strategy: They are using sex to sell abstinence. They are using the very thing th