Christians bow to the LGBTQ agenda

There is a school of thought in the debate about redefining marriage that it is inevitable and that Christians should just sue for peace with the same-sex marriage activists. Try and extract as many protections for religious freedom as possible and roll over. To make it easier for us to capitulate, leading politicians such as Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, Attorney General George Brandis and Tim Wilson say same-sex marriage and freedom of religion can co-exist. “I don’t accept the religious practice in this country is under threat,” Mr Shorten said this week. What he is essentially saying is it is okay to go to church and believe what you like there. But what is under threat, and what Mr Shorten is not telling us, is that religious practice outside the church, mosque or synagogue is under grave threat should the definition of marriage in law be changed. Indeed, it is now Labor policy to use the law to punish anyone who does not conform to same-sex marriage ideology, unless they are...