Catholic agency denies adoption to couple who hold Christian view of sexuality

A Christian couple in the Canadian province of Alberta have been told by local Catholic Social Services and the provincial government that they are unfit to adopt children because they accept Biblical teaching regarding the immorality of homosexual acts , according to their attorneys at the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms . The married couple, whose initials are given as “C.D. and N.D,” have filed a civil suit against the province alleging religious discrimination, and calling the decision to reject their candidacy for adoption “unreasonable and void by virtue of arbitrariness, bias, bad faith, as well as breaches of procedural fairness and natural justice .” They ask that a declaration be made that “the decision to deny adoption violates sections 2(a) and 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms , the Alberta Bill of Rights and the Alberta Human Rights Act,” and that they be permitted to become adoptive parents, according to the Justice Centre. The J...