Australia: How do we show love when activists call us “hate merchants”?

Eric Metaxas touches down in Brisbane next week for the first stop of his East Coast “Fearless” tour. ACL is delighted to host the New York Times best-selling author of biographies on Wilberforce and Bonhoeffer. For those who don’t know, William Wilberforce was the 19thcentury English parliamentarian who was instrumental in abolishing slavery and Dietrich Bonhoeffer was the courageous Lutheran pastor who defied the Nazis. Both faced intense opposition from politics and religious people. There are obvious echoes of the challenges we face today. Eric’s books on these men have inspired tens of thousands to be courageous Christians. With pressure mounting on Christians to be silent on issues like changing the definition of marriage and human rights for the unborn, we at ACL thought a visit by Eric would be just what us Australian Christians needed at this time. If you have yet to register for an event in Sydney , Brisbane or Melbourne, please do so . (Apologies to our friends in o...