What happens when gay counselling gets banned?

The American Psychological Association says in its APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology which it has declared “authoritative” [1a] that sexual and gender variations are not simply biologically determined. There are psychological causes [1b] such as childhood sexual abuse [1c,2] . One effect of childhood sexual abuse may be that the victim begins to experience same-sex attractions or behaviours. Is it more compassionate to help relieve these feelings or behaviours or to tell victims they have to live with them? A therapy ban requires the therapist to deny treatment to relieve the victim’s unwanted attractions and behaviours or the therapist will be criminalized. A variety of recognized psychological disorders can be treated only if they are heterosexual. More sexual attractions , romantic fantasies, or behaviours caused by sexual abuse include: • unwanted emotional and sexual ties to the abuser, desire to have sex with minors • the...