After the Orlando Shooting: Some Uncomfortable Truths about Christianity and Homosexuality

Claiming that Christians are responsible for the Orlando shooting is inaccurate and disingenuous. Here's a look at how Christians have historically responded to public displays of homosexuality. In response to my article, “ The Outrageous Attack on Conservative Christians After the Orlando Massacre ,” one commenter wrote, “This vicious homo-narrative has been going on for YEARS — it’s a shame that it took this incident to make people listen.” In other words, contrary to my claims, Christians really are complicit in the Orlando massacre. Another commenter wrote, “Calling a group of American people perverted, sick, disgusting, child molesters, deviants, evil, depraved, wicked, a mentally ill chosen behavior while accusing them that they are out to destroy the country … and then spending billions on laws that hurt and discriminate … marginalizing them to the point of suicide and creating an atmosphere for hate crimes … doing everything to punish and shame them a...