
Showing posts with the label Argentina

Pope: gender theory and divorce are waging a 'global war' on marriage and families

Pope Francis warned on Saturday of a " global war " against traditional marriage and the family, saying both were under attack from gender theory and divorce . Francis made his comments in an impromptu response to a question at a meeting of the small Catholic community in the ex- Soviet republic of Georgia . "You mentioned a great enemy of marriage: gender theory," the pope said in response to a woman who had asked about it being taught in schools. He did not elaborate. Gender theory is broadly the concept that while a person may be biologically male or female, they have the right to identify themselves as male, female, both or neither. "Today, there is a global war out to destroy marriage," Francis said. "Not with weapons but with ideas ... we have to defend ourselves from ideological colonization." The pope has used the phrase "ideological colonization" in the past to denounce what he says are attempts by rich c...

Mexico’s ruling party clobbered in elections following push for gay ‘marriage’

Mexico ’s Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) has just lost its 86-year dominance of Mexico’s state governments in a massive electoral upset following a new initiative by Mexican president and PRI member Enrique Peña Nieto to amend the constitution to create homosexual “marriage.” For the first time since the PRI was created in 1929, the party no longer holds a majority of state governorships. Out of 17 states holding elections on June 5, the PRI won only five states and lost four states with 19% of the country’s population. The result is that the PRI now holds the governorship in only 15 of the country’s 31 states, with 45% of Mexico’s population. The party is also out of power in the nation’s Federal District . The president’s initiative , announced on May 17, includes a   massive propaganda campaign   to convince public school students and the population in general that homosexuality and transgenderism are normal and morally acceptable, as well as membershi...

Even Family Members Should Boycott Gay Weddings

Christians should not attend a same-sex wedding — even of their own child — because it signals "moral approval" of the union, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary said in a new book. Boycotting weddings of gay friends and loved ones will be excruciatingly difficult, the Rev. Albert Mohler wrote in We Cannot Be Silent, which goes on sale Oct. 27. "At some point, attendance will involve congratulating the couple for their union," he wrote. "If you can't congratulate the couple, how can you attend?" Even if scientists prove people are born gay, the "sinfulness of homosexuality" would not be eliminated because human sin taints the world, Mohler said in addressing other topics of sexual identity. He contended that transgender people who are "saved" should consult with their pastors about whether to have surgery to return to their original gender. Mohler, a prolific blogger, speaker and podcaster, is no strange...

Pro-LGBT Catholic pastors met in Rome for pre-Synodal conference

Around a hundred people gathered at the Pilgrim Centre “Santa Teresa Couderc” in Rome , for the international conference entitled Ways of Love: Snapshots of Catholic Encounters With LGBT People and Their Families, sponsored by the “Global Network of Rainbow Catholics”, a worldwide network of organisations that, in the name of “social justice”, demands inclusion and dignity for LGBT people and their families within the Catholic Church and society in general. The meeting was attended by Catholic pastoral leaders from around the world, who came together to share, through their stories, their pastoral approach and work in favour of LGBT people within their ecclesiastical communities. In addition to drawing up new action plans, a clear and stated objective of the initiative was to apply some pressure to the impending crucial Ordinary Synod of Bishops on the topic of the Family, which opened in Rome on Monday 5th October. Presenting the event, two of the conference spokespersons, Andre...

Gay ‘marriage’ compromisers are ‘answerable to the Supreme Judge’

The Archbishop of Agana , Guam , a US territory located in the Western Pacific ocean , has sent out an appeal to the faithful, urging them to hold fast to their Christian faith in light of recent rulings that redefined marriage, both from the U.S. Supreme Court and from the Guam Legislature.   “I invite all the Faithful, including those in every branch of our local government, not to deny your faith, but to have the courage to be a witness to the truth: the truth about life, about man, about marriage and about family,” urged Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron in an   August 26 letter   titled “Guam Marriage Equality Act : A Defeat for Our Island and for Humanity.” Archbishop Apuron warned the faithful that supporting gay “marriage” while choosing not to defend real marriage is an action that they will one day have to render an account of before God. “As Shepherd of the local Church of Guam, I urge every person to be mindful that each of us is answerable to the S...

Confused Lesbian couple says baby’s baptism a sign Catholic views changing, want gay ‘marriage’ blessings

CORDOBA, Argentina , April 8, 2014 ( ) - Fears that a public Catholic baptism ceremony for an Argentinean lesbian couple’s child would amount to little more than a media stunt to promote the Church's acceptance of homosexuality appear to have been borne out Saturday at the Archdiocese of Cordoba ’s cathedral. After the celebration of the sacrament, the couple, Karina Villarroel and Soledad Ortiz, kissed while posing for photos with the child, Umma Azul, at the front of the Church. Karina Villarroel and Soledad Ortiz kiss while they pose for photos with the baby at the front of Cordoba's cathedral. Villarroel, the non-biological “mother,” told local press the Catholic Church’s decision to grant the baptism was important “because it signifies that there is a real social change and acceptance" following the passage of the country's "marriage equality" law.   The final step, she said, would be “to be able to have the church conse...

Vatican clarifies: Pope did not express support for homosexual civil unions during Q&A

ROME, – After some Italian journalists reported that remarks about a lesbian fiancee made by Pope Francis during  a Q&A  showed that the pope is open to the homosexual civil union legislation currently being considered in Italy , the Vatican has issued a statement denying those media reports.  The reports are the latest in a spate of media portrayals that paint Pope Francis as open to homosexuality, which reached its apex with the selection of Pope Francis as  person of the year by the homosexual activist magazine The Advocate .  A Vatican clarification issued today to  Vatican radio  noted, however, that the pope did not take a position on the civil unions legislation in his remarks, which predated the debate in Italy.  The text of the Q&A session, which occurred on November 29, was released this past Friday in the Jesuit Journal L a Civilta Cattolica .  During  that Q&A , the pope recalled a complex situat...