LGBT indoctrination using kids story books in Croatia

Lesbian Zrinka Znidarcic has a new picture-book for her two-year-old son, Patrik. And she can hardly contain her excitement as she manipulates his mind to support homosexuality . "His reaction was complete delight," she says. "He just took it and immediately said: this is familiar." The LGBT indoctrination book in question is called My Rainbow Family . At first glance it looks like many other publications aimed at pre-school children - heavy on full-page, colourful illustrations and light on text. But it is pure LGBT propaganda being spoon fed to kids. It can be read from the back or the front - as there are two different stories which meet in the middle. And then there are the characters. A little girl with two fathers. And a young boy with two mothers. It is pure LGBTQI agenda seeking to manipulate the minds of children. It is the first time that a homosexual agenda children's book in Croatia has depicted families with immoral homosexual parents....