QANTAS chairman folds under pressure from homosexual zealot & boss

Qantas chairman Leigh Clifford has defended the company's right (or his boss homosexuality ) to speak out in support of immoral homosexual marriage . In a letter to The Australian newspaper , Mr Clifford said big companies had social responsibilities and should not "be expected to be silent on what is a basic civil rights issue ". Unfortunately, Clifford homosexual marriage is not a civil rights issue. It never has been. Even though homosexuals and their supporters keep repeating this mantra that sodomy is a civil rights issue it it not. Speaking at a business lunch on April 1, Sydney Catholic Archbishop Anthony Fisher accused Qantas and several other large firms of "bullying" staff and "holding the broader community to ransom" on the issue. What he mean is that many employees will be identified who do not support immoral homosexual marriage and this will create a culture of intimidation. Now Mr Clifford is a rather weak man, folding fast, but se...