
Showing posts with the label De Tijd

Brussels archbishop did not OK homosexual civil unions: spokesman

Belgian media last week claimed that the new archbishop of Brussels , widely hailed in the Catholic Church and excoriated by the secular media  as a “conservative” , said through a spokesman that he has “no objections to civil unions between gay men."  This week, however, archdiocesan media spokesman Jeroen Moens told that his comments had been “misrepresented” in the press, and that the archbishop does not support homosexual civil unions.  Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard Moens was quoted by the Dutch language online news  site De Tijd  saying that Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, has “no objection against civil unions between gay men,” adding: “Do not call it gay marriage, but a gay relationship.” Moens had reportedly said, “Let us say that Monsignor Leonard endorses a gay commitment.” The comments were published as a response to an interview with Leonard’s predecessor, the notoriously liberal Cardinal Godfried Danneels , who told De Tijd that h