
Showing posts with the label Helen Fisher

Gay-straight alliances starting up in Ontario elementary schools

Some schools have gay–straight alliances or similar groups to counter homophobia and bullying and provide support for LGBT students in school. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) TORONTO, Teachers at elementary schools across Ontario are being encouraged to start up gay straight alliances to cater to children in even the earliest grades, reports the Toronto Star . The day before the passage of the McGuinty government’s controversial homosexual “rights” Bill 13 that forces homosexual activist clubs on all the province’s schools, the Star  reported  that a teacher at Toronto ’s Westwood Middle School , Natasha Garda, started a GSA last year. According to the paper, members of Garda’s elementary school gay-straight alliance “recently ran workshops for local Grade 5 students about gender stereotypes and homophobia,” during which “Westwood students presented a skit about gender stereotypes in which a boy is teased for wearing a pink shirt, and helped the younger students find ste...