Supreme Court ruling same sex marriage

Marking the opening of the new US Supreme Court term this week, a group of over 60 prominent legal scholars has issued a major statement declaring that the notorious ruling from the last Court term which purported to redefine marriage in theObergefell v Hodges case is "anti-constitutional and illegitimate" and should not be treated public officials or citizens as binding precedent or settled law. The scholars, including NOM co-founder Professor Robert George and Chairman Dr. John Eastman, said that the decision is, "lacking anything remotely resembling a warrant in the text, logic, structure, or original understanding of the Constitution" and "must be judged anti-constitutional and illegitimate." They called on the other branches of government and American citizens to refuse to treat the decision as binding precedent or consider it to have settled the law of the United States . "We stand with James Madison and Abraham Lincoln in recognizing tha...