
Showing posts with the label morning show

Parents are being groomed - by LGBT zealots

I saw a video recently of a young boy all dressed in drag from head to toe. He sashayed his little boy body onto the television studio stage amidst the wild applause of … a room full of parents. It was a famous morning talk show, and the celebrity hosts were gushing over this child-drag queen, without the slightest hesitation or reservation at all. He’s being hailed as a “trailblazer.” Every adult in the room was grinning and clapping and cheering this little boy in a long blonde wig, bright red lipstick, and a slinky dress. When he lay down on the floor in a dramatic, provocative pose, the adult crowd roared their approval. This young boy is becoming quite famous for his drag routine, and he says he loves to dress up in wigs, makeup, high heels, feather boas, and perform as his alter ego. His parents say they are proud he has “found his path in life.” This is Not Normal or Good I don’t really want to talk about this boy, because he is a child, and I’ve no wish to hurt him...