Kids suspended from school and adults arrested for “misgendering” in California

Have you heard the news from Rocklin Academy charter school in Rocklin, CA . and how a kindergarten teacher staged a “transition ceremony” during class for a sexually confused five-year-old boy who thinks he’s a girl. During the ceremony, the teacher read pro-LGBT books to the young, impressionable minds that endorse and celebrate the sexual abuse of children under the guise of so-called tolerance. Following the reading, the teacher introduced the boy to the class, who then went to the bathroom to change clothes, and returned to class dressed as a girl. The teacher then instructed the class that “he” was now a “she” and had to be addressed as such from now on. If you’re wondering what might happen to a child who fails to do as the teacher instructed, wonder no longer. It’s been reported that a first-grade student at Rocklin was recently sent to the principal’s office after she accidentally “misgendered” a so-called transgendered classmate in what is being called a “pronoun mishap...