For those who find themselves interested in homosexuality

God ’s Word forbids desires that are sinful as well as deeds that are sinful. If the Bible prohibits a certain behavior, the longing for or the inclination toward performing such behavior is sinful as well. We are not contending that sins of inclination are the same (or as sinful) as the expression of that inclination into deeds, or homosexual acts. We are, however, asserting the biblical truth that both the desire for that which is sinful and the sinful acts themselves are morally unacceptable. By recognizing a distinction between desire and deed, we have said nothing about the moral acceptability of either. Only God can determine the morality of any particular desire or action. Since God has declared homosexuality to be sinful, it necessarily follows that the desire or the inclination toward homosexuality is sinful as well. To use another example, as God has declared adultery to be contrary to His holiness, even the lusting after or the longing for adultery is forbidden ( ...