Dilution of Doctrine for divorce - why not gays - says Kaine?

Kaine ’s argument - If relationships the church once condemned as adultery are no longer a major, soul-threatening sin, then why should a committed same-sex relationship be any different? If the church makes post-sexual revolution allowances for straight couples, shouldn’t it make the same ones for people who aren’t even attracted to the opposite sex? Theological error by Kaine - First there are some church denominations that are liberal and all their doctrine changes constantly....with the cultural wind! They are irrelevant to this discussion. But conservative bible adherent denominations acknowledge people's sin and repentance from that sin. But that does not imply that the sin - eg: divorce, or homosexual sinful are no longer a sin. According to the words of Jesus, divorce and remarriage on the wrong grounds will always be a sin. Kaine's concept of allowance means - unbiblical divorce and remarriage is no longer a sin in the Catholic church because th...