UNICEF homosexual indoctrination of kids

Fifty angry Christians picketed UNICEF 's office near the UN during the just-completed Commission on the Status of Women , a UN conference where pro-lifers won a major victory. The complaint against UNICEF is that the UN children's agency joined a global campaign to promote "comprehensive sexuality education" that critics say promotes controversial ideas for children like abortion, masturbation, and homosexuality. UNICEF, that has long come under criticism from social conservatives, signed onto something called "International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education " that calls for children to be able to "describe male and female responses to sexual stimulation," and "summarize key elements of sexual pleasure." The UNICEF-endorsed document also mocks the idea of abstinence and, according to Family Watch International, sponsor of the UNICEF protest, and "distorts" the notion that children should delay and even avoi...