Judge orders Christian to betray friends who helped him evangelize gays

An Ontario judge has ordered a Christian who evangelizes homosexuals to identify his financial backers and anonymous friends who helped him hand out info packets about the physical and spiritual dangers of anal sex at Toronto ’s Pride Parade last year. “There could be serious repercussions for me, including prolonged jail time if I don't comply with the order to disclose the names of my supporters,” said Christian activist Bill Whatcott . “Generally, Christians should comply with secular courts, but not when complying harms the innocent or when the order is unjust in the eyes of God,” he added. Homosexual activists last year launched a $104 million class-action lawsuit against Whatcott for defamation after he and a handful of friends infiltrated the Pride Parade dressed as green "gay zombies.” They handed out what looked to be free condoms in packets that said “Zombie Safe Sex” but which contained messages about the physical and spiritual dangers of ho...