Trans Tragedy now regret

The harms of transgenderism and gender ideology can no longer be ignored. LSN has published four separate reports on the harms of transgenderism, sourcing material from credible medical experts, social scientists, and “detransitioners.” The latter are gender-confused individuals who began to take drugs and/or underwent surgery to present as the opposite sex but have since stopped and regret their actions. This series is meant to be a resource for confronting LGBT activists and helping gender-confused individuals realize the harms of chemical and surgical mutilations. This article is a summary of the findings, but LifeSiteNews will continue to expose the harms of transgenderism. 5 men and women harmed by ‘trans’ surgeries share their stories of regret, anxiety, and depression The first article featured 5 individuals who have been harmed by chemical and genital mutilation. The individuals were lied to by healthcare professionals into injecting themselves with test...