The truth behind ‘transgender’ deaths

In case you missed it -- which, sadly, no less than the U.S. Secretary of State made difficult --November 20 was “International Transgender Day of Remembrance .” The day focuses on memorializing the world’s gender-deluded who were victims of violence. By my estimate -- I didn’t count them all -- the list contains about 300 people. Likewise, many liberal outlets in the American mainstream media -- redundant, I know -- took the opportunity to paint violence against the gender-deluded as some sort of epidemic. The headline in the largest newspaper in my state declared , “Violence against transgender people at all-time high in Georgia , nationally.” Evidently an annual “all-time high” when it comes to the murder of individuals in the U.S. who choose to live a gender lie is 25 . After the 11th death, which occurred in May of this year, one news outlet quoted a “transgender” activist declaring, “We are facing a national epidemic of violence [against ‘transgenders’].” More American C...