Showing posts with the label Gay Christian
You can't be Gay and a Christian!
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Can you be gay and Christian? What does the Bible actually say? Did the biblical writers address loving, committed, same-sex relationships? Ample evidence exists that the ancients knew and sometimes practised gay relationships and mutuality. Paul’s discussion in Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6:9–11, and 1 Timothy 1:8–10 must include this understanding of homosexual relationships. In addition, Paul’s vice list—including “homosexuals” (arsenokoitai)—occurs in a broader context of those who “shall not inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9–11) and who should, like the person involved in sexual immorality, come under the discipline of the church or be excommunicated if there is no repentance (5:1–6:11). Homosexuals should repent, as should all those whose acts and lifestyles are condemned as an offence before God (1 Cor. 6:9–11). Obviously, the ordination of homosexuals for ministry violates biblical teaching Homosexuality seems to have existed more widely among the ancient Greeks than...
Can you be homosexual AND a Christian? 6 minute video
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Gay Christian - Doesn't exist
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There is a serious error that is growing in the ranks of Evangelicalism. It has already permeated mainline Protestantism . It is a Trojan Horse in the Body of Christ––one that must be addressed. It carries the potential to change the Gospel we believe, teach and preach into a different gospel ( Galatians 1:8 ), which is NOT the Gospel, but heresy. The implications are extremely sobering. For the most part, the move to embrace the unbiblical term ‘Gay Christian’ has been a well-intended effort to express love, to accept and be supportive of persons who experience same-gender attraction who have self-identified as being gay. For those of us who are old enough to remember the reactionary, unloving, rejecting, even cruel responses to gays that ‘Bible-believing’ Christians often gave, this change of heart seems to right a wrong. For 30-somethings and younger who have been so effectively propagandized by the gay agenda in our culture, welcoming, accepting and affirming ‘Gay Christians’—...
For those who are currently practicing homosexuals
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Whatever the cause of your behavior, it is nevertheless sinful. The Bible admonishes you to repent of your interests and behavior. You must forsake them. Not to put too fine a point on it, these deeds are yours, and you will be held responsible. God will not allow you to blame someone else for your conduct, but, believe it or not, this truth is a source of great hope: The fact that homosexual desires and deeds are willful sins for which the person is morally responsible is overwhelmingly important if there is to be any hope in the Christian perspective on homosexuality. When responsibility for homosexuality is removed, hope for homosexuality as an unchangeable inner domination by those drives or desires doom the sinner to despair. And such despair is unnecessary, unwarranted, untrue to Scripture. Because homosexuality is sinful, there is divinely guaranteed hope for its reversal. Christ came to die for sinners and to deliver them by His Spirit from their sins. Not only has our ...
A letter to a gay Christian?
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Dear ............., With great interest, I read your “ Open Letter To My Conservative Christian Family: A Response to the Orlando Shooting .” Over the last dozen years, I have done my best to listen to the stories of the LGBT community, especially those who profess faith in Jesus, and just as many of those stories touched me deeply, your open letter did as well. If you don’t mind, I want to recap some of what you wrote for the benefit of those who have not read it, then I’ll share my heart with you. As the son of two pastors, you’re responding to the question that many of us have asked, namely, “Why are we Christians being blamed for the Orlando shooting?” It’s a question I have addressed as well. Your answer is what I have heard from other gay writers, but you explain things extremely well, having been raised in the church. You wrote, “I fear that conservative Christians are being lumped in with the homophobic shooter, ISIS and religious radicals because, to the LGBT+ communit...
Why 'God and the Gay Christian' Is Wrong About the Bible and Same-Sex Relationships
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In March 2012, Matthew Vines posted a video on YouTube suggesting that "being gay is not a sin," and that the Bible "does not condemn, loving, committed same-sex relationships." He spoke eloquently from the heart with poise, conviction and vulnerability. The video quickly went viral. Vines is a bright young man raised in a Christian home. At age 19, he left Harvard University after his third semester so that he could come out to his family and friends in Wichita. He knew that his father would not agree with the way he reconciled his sexuality with Scripture . So Vines sought to arm himself with biblical scholarship on the affirmation of same-sex relationships and strove to convince his family and church that they were wrong—that homosexuality is not a sin. Vines's new book, God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships, expounds further on the arguments made in his video. His aim is not to present new information, but ...
Should we use words like: Adulterer Christian, Porn Christian or Gay Christian?
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In his new book God and the Gay Christian, Matthew Vines seeks to legitimate homosexual practice among evangelicals. I responded to this heretical teaching yesterday in my post about the new Southern Seminary eBook , God and the Gay Christian? I quoted a section from my chapter on the church’s historical teaching, a chapter that has now been posted in full over at the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood . Today I’d like to think a little more with you about Vines’s use of the term “gay Christian” (I also commend to you this excellent and stirring post from my SBTS colleague and New Testament expert Jim Hamilton). This is not a new descriptor, but Vines has infused new meaning into it. Authors who have previously used it have done so with the understanding that “gay Christian” is essentially equivalent to “born-again believer who experiences, to some degree, ongoing same-sex attraction and who willingly resists gratifying this desire.” Vines, however, uses the term to essenti...