Homosexuality a former crime is now celebrated?

Today people are pushing for same sex marriage. But only a few decades ago homosexuality was deemed to be illegal. So what happened? How did homosexuality that was 'against nature' (physical design / reproduction), a crime, becomes something to be celebrated as something - good, positive ( as per LGBTQ radicals)? The 1950 UK Wolfenden Report which decriminalized homosexuality as an 'act against nature' was based on flawed science from Alfred Kinsey who essentially molested children. Fake science was the basis of this horrific decision. In the early years of the American colonies , the penalty for sodomy was death, and a number of executions are documented. Why was sodomy, usually conceived of as anal intercourse between men, thought of as treason against the state, and punished so harshly? Even in Australia , until 1949, the death penalty remained on the statute books for sodomy in the southern state of Victoria . Legislative change came in Septembe...