When Harry Became Sally: A Love Letter from the Age of Reason

Ryan Anderson just published a fine and brave book. It unpacks the very recent manufactured “consensus” that sex is a social fiction. Instead of what every human in history always thought it: a biological fact. So why does the book feel like a relic? I’ll be more specific. It seems like some treasure of an ancient civilization, a place where arguments and data mattered. One we dug up in some Mad-Max post-apocalyptic wasteland. Anderson’s book proceeds through thoughtful, logical statements. Prestigious scholars endorse it: A Johns Hopkins professor of psychiatry. A Harvard law professor. An Oxford don . An assistant professor of medical ethics at Columbia Medical These scholars too hearken back to a golden age. A time when honest thinking really mattered. Before we started treating our children like little lab rats. Peel back its lucid arguments. Anderson’s book, When Harry Became Sally , is a horror story. A true one, set in the present. A Sick Human Ex...