Even LGBT activists admit that ad promoting gay sex makes no sense

The LGBT world is not happy about the world’s reaction to KLM Royal Dutch Airlines’ rainbow-colored seat belt Twitter ad . Gay news sites have posted articles with titles such as “ People are mocking this airline for its 'rainbow seat belt' Pride advert ” and “ An Airline Posted A Pro-LGBTQ Message ... And Hecklers Stormed It .” What is being described as “mocking,” “heckling,” and “homophobic” are simple statements of truth revealing how the ad actually promotes natural law and complementarity while simultaneously drawing a lot of attention to the deficient nature of same-sex sexual relationships. It also promotes unsafe airline practices and very unsafe homosexual practices. Despite the fact that the Twitter responses to the ad are good-natured, humorous and done in good taste, GayStarNews asserts that calling attention to the “the logic of the advert” is essentially “an excuse to voice homophobic opinions.” Here are the tweets they ci...