New Gallup poll tells a tale on the state of our culture, and it’s not good

A recent Gallup poll exposed three terrible truths. First, we are not succeeding in transforming hearts and minds to cultivate and sustain a Culture of Life. Second, we are losing the younger generation to materialism, secularism and moral relativism. Third, the moral compass and Christian conscience in America is systematically being phased out of existence while indifference and tolerance of evil fill the void. I readily admit that I usually place little emphasis upon polls; however, the results of this survey highlight and parallel trends we see around the world. Societies are radically rejecting centuries of Judeo-Christian beliefs concerning life and family while embracing a secular view of life and the human person. Let us consider the subject of homosexuality. 61% of Americans of all ages now believe same-sex unions should be recognized by the law as valid, with 83% of 18 to 29 year olds endorsing and defending the lifestyle. 83% of non-religious people poll...