
Showing posts with the label Eric Hoskins

Protests erupt across Ontario against Liberal gvmt ‘anti-bullying’ Bill 13

Ontario general election, 1999 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) KITCHENER, Ontario , May 2, 2012  – Protests against the Ontario Liberal government’s controversial anti-bullying legislation erupted across the province over the weekend as more and more people become aware of the threat it poses to parental rights and religious freedom. On Saturday, about 60 parents from a variety of faith traditions and ethnicities held a protest rally at the constituency office of MPP John Milloy ( Kitchener-Centre ), who serves as Dalton McGuinty ’s Ministry of Community and Social Services . Concerned citizens collect signatures against McGuinty's Bill 13 at a gathering of 60,000 Punjabs in Toronto . Rally organizer Kim Galvao, head of Concerned Catholic Parents of Ontario (CCPO), said McGuinty’s Bill 13 is a “Trojan Horse piece of legislation which pretends to be about bullying in order to sneak a homosexual agenda into the classroom.” “This proposed legislation by Dalton McGuinty’s Ontario governm...