A letter to a gay Christian?

Dear ............., With great interest, I read your “ Open Letter To My Conservative Christian Family: A Response to the Orlando Shooting .” Over the last dozen years, I have done my best to listen to the stories of the LGBT community, especially those who profess faith in Jesus, and just as many of those stories touched me deeply, your open letter did as well. If you don’t mind, I want to recap some of what you wrote for the benefit of those who have not read it, then I’ll share my heart with you. As the son of two pastors, you’re responding to the question that many of us have asked, namely, “Why are we Christians being blamed for the Orlando shooting?” It’s a question I have addressed as well. Your answer is what I have heard from other gay writers, but you explain things extremely well, having been raised in the church. You wrote, “I fear that conservative Christians are being lumped in with the homophobic shooter, ISIS and religious radicals because, to the LGBT+ communit...