Michigan Pastor Facing Death Threats for Offering Workshops to Teens Struggling with Homosexuality

Pastor Jeremy Schossau of Metro City Church in Riverview, Michigan , is facing explosive backlash after offering classes to teens struggling with same-sex attraction and seeking help. In a now-deleted Facebook post, the church offered a workshop called, "Unashamed Identity" for girls 12-16 who are struggling with thoughts of being trans, bi, gay or other. People now are speaking up after being silenced by the vocal violent LGBT community. Hospitals are now claiming trans is a mental health issue. The post received outrage from many on social media, driven mainly by violent outraged LGBTQ zealots. They lie about the purpose of the workshop claiming it is conversion therapy , a sound counselling practice used to bring biblical clarity and foundation understanding to sexuality. When LGBT zealots disagree with what the Bible says about homosexuality - they threaten you, report you, lie about you, seek to burn your work down and threten violence. ...