For Homosexuals - Repentance, change, and hope are possible.
Obedience to the Word of God is required of all persons and is the delighted, privileged employment of those who bear the name of the Lord. Though obedience offers great benefit to those who know it, it is not merely an option. Since we are chiefly dealing with the same-sex controversy as it pertains to the church, the only issue before us now is one of obedience: will God’s Word be obeyed, or will it be twisted to defend a cherished “sexual preference”? Though many good reasons exist for you to forsake homosexual practices, we urge you to forsake them for the main reason: they are displeasing to God. Repentance is the only option before you . Despite the arguments that exist to the contrary, homosexuality is not natural, is not approved by the Word of God, and is a practice that leads to death. The Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality, whether in interest or practice, is sin. We deny that recognizing something as sinful when God has declared it ...