
Showing posts with the label Montgomery County Maryland

Ex-gay group files sexual orientation discrimination complaint with Department of Justice

ROCKVILLE, MD ,  -  Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays ( PFOX ) has filed a sexual orientation discrimination  complaint  with the Department of Justice and the Department of Education against the Montgomery County, Maryland , Board of Education and its School Superintendent , Joshua Starr. PFOX requests the federal agencies initiate an investigation into the discriminatory practices of Superintendent Starr and the Montgomery County school board and to oversee a remedial program to ensure diversity and non-discrimination against ex-gays.  "Starr misused his official position as school superintendent to gain access to students and indoctrinate them with his prejudicial bias against the ex-gay community," said Regina Griggs, executive director of PFOX. "The Department of Justice has investigated complaints against schools for discriminating against  transgenders  -- those who have changed their gender identity. The ex-ga...