
Showing posts with the label Obama lies

The transgender bathroom battle is headed to the Supreme Court, sooner or later

A federal appeals court’s decision forcing a Virginia school district to allow boys into girls’ bathrooms, and vice versa, has commentators expecting it to be among the next big ‘culture war’ issues to hit the Supreme Court. On May 31, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld its panel's initial ruling last month on transgender girl Caitlyn Hope “Gavin” Grimm's lawsuit to use the boys' bathroom and facilities at her high school. The Fourth Circuit includes North Carolina, so has a direct bearing on that state’s controversial bill, HB 2. The panel made a 2-to-1   ruling   last month that a Virginia high school had to allow Caitlyn, a 16-year-old girl suffering from gender dysphoria, to use all the school's intimate facilities designed for males. Caitlyn, who began identifying as a boy in 2014, has not undergone sex "change" surgery but she has legally changed her name to "Gavin" and begun taking hormones to give her a deeper voice. On ...

Obama looks to bankrupt North Carolina into LGBT submission

North Carolina is about to square off with a big opponent -- and it has  nothing to do with college basketball. While the Tar Heels are celebrating the chance to play for a national title, the federal government is showing whose team it's on with  new threats over the state's money . Furious that Governor Pat McCrory (R), a bipartisan legislature, and  70 percent of voters  dare to block grown men from girls' bathrooms, the president's team is looking at ways to bankrupt the state into submission. Using federal funds as a club, the Obama administration has perfected a play that's been quite effective at "persuading" local school boards and other governors to reconsider their position on radical LGBT policies. We watched the same cat-and-mouse game play out in Texas, when Health and Human Services tried to zero out the state's Medicaid money after it stripped funds from Planned Parenthood . Now, Washington's sore losers are at it again...