What happens when a church is infiltrated by a homosexual agenda?

The Methodist Church, the largest mainline Protestant denomination in the United States, is headed toward a divorce because of homosexual sin. In early January, mediators from across the United Methodist Church proposed a separation plan to split the church into two separate denominations, with one that will allow non-biblical sinful homosexual marriages and “practicing” LGBTQ clergy. The pro-homosexual denomination would now be apostate according to scripture. Members of the General Conference, the church’s legislative body, are expected to pass the proposal in May. If a split occurs, it will be the result of homosexual ideology seeping into Biblically illiterate Christians. The origin of the debate The United Methodist Church was formed in 1968 by the union of the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the Methodist Church. At that time in the United States, the civil rights movement and the immoral homosexual liberation movement were both underways. The new United ...