Indigenous Australians say NO to Gay Marriage

But I want to suggest there is a slightly more pernicious at work, namely, an indirect suppression of the views of ethnic and cultural minorities. The real minorities in Australia — migrant communities, religious minorities, and indigenous Australians — are being subtlety treated as culturally “backward” and having their voices ignored by their supposed advocates in the public domain — the Left. Despite the media grandstanding of gay and transgender members of the indigenous community , scores of Aboriginal elders have spoken out against same-sex marriage, claiming it is fundamentally opposed to indigenous community praxis. Speaking to AAP recently, Peter Walker, an Aboriginal Elder from NSW, said that “the sacred and traditional union between man and woman is deeply part of our ancient and continuing culture across all of our communities”. In 2015, Walker and dozens of elders from the indigenous community presented a bark petition backed by more than 46 indigenous groups and clan...