Do Same-Sex Marriage Laws Really Improve Youth Mental Health?

LGBT ADVOCATES PUSHED THIS LIE TO JUSTIFY HOMOSEXUAL ACCEPTANCE INTO THE COMMUNITY - IT WAS A LIE! A recent study by Raifman et al. (2017) finds that same-sex marriage (SSM) laws generate substantial mental health benefits for high school students , particularly those that identify as sexual minorities. We re-examine this finding using data drawn from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveys from 1993 to 2017. Our results show little evidence that SSM laws reduce suicide attempts, suicide planning, suicide ideation or depressive symptomatology among high school students. LGBT POTENTIAL YOUTH SUICIDE - WAS USED AS A WEAPONAGAINST THOSE OPPOSING IMMORAL HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE Prior evidence for mental health benefits of SSM laws appears to be driven by underestimated standard errors, lack of sufficient post-treatment data, and use of a theoretically tenuous specification that restricts the mental health effects of all covariates — which include other state LGBT policies — to...