LGBT Extremists and Gender agenda in Schools

Regular readers know that I frequently provide information about the goings on about of radical LGBT extremists and their declared war on American culture . Often, these updates demonstrate how children are targeted for indoctrination by the public-school system into accepting LGBT sexually deviant lifestyles as normal. Steve Deace once called this a form of Marxism on the part of a Rainbow Jihad , an apt description when you consider the words of Karl Marx –“The education of all children, from the moment they can get along without a mother’s care shall be at state institutions at the state’s expense.” Recently, a charter school in California called Rocklin Academy has been a willing accomplice in advancing LGBT terrorism. And while other schools across America have been targeted by LGBT extremists, Rocklin is unique in that they are focusing on kindergarten-aged children. And they are deliberately doing this without parental consent or involvement and without giving parents ...