American College of Pediatrics reaches decision: Transgenderism of children is child abuse

The American College of Pediatricians issued a statement this week condemning gender reclassification in children by stating that transgenderism in children amounts to child abuse . “The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.” The policy statement , authored by Johns Hopkins Medical School Psychology Professor Paul McHugh, listed eight arguments on why gender reclassification is harmful. 1. Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “ XY ” and “XX” are genetic markers of health – not genetic markers of a disorder. 2. No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex . Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one. 3. A person’s belief that he or she is...