Australia: Any comment that disagrees with homosexuality = hate speech?

One of the lead campaigners behind Ireland's historic same-sex marriage referendum has urged Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and parliamentarians not to go ahead with a plebiscite, warning the experience was "brutal" for gay and lesbian people and their families. Grainne Healy, co-director of the Yes Equality campaign, said Irish volunteers needed counselling after abuse and hate speech from reform opponents, calling for MPs to stop Australia from seeing an unnecessary plebiscite campaign. In a letter to all MPs, Healy said a plebiscite on homosexual marriage would bring about hurtful and divisive commentary under the guise of fair debate. But from the LGBTQ perspective any comment against homosexuality is deemed to be hateful. The truth does hurt! LGBT parents do hide truth from their kids wanting to blame others. The LGBT lifestyle is sinful, disordered, against biology, against evolution and against the health of kids. "Some LGBT canvassers who were out...