
Showing posts with the label Internal Revenue Service

Obama illegally harassed pro-marriage group - handed donor information to gay activist group

Morally Corrupt EX- US President Barack Obama The American people have a right to expect that their government will treat them fairly and impartially. They expect the laws to be enforced uniformly without regard to creed, color or political ideology . But President Obama , and leaders of his administration at the highest levels, did not treat Americans fairly and impartially. When it came to conservatives , they regularly cheated, putting a thumb on the scales of justice, issuing countless illegal orders to advance their radical agenda. NOM has been at the forefront of fighting against President Obama's radical LGBT agenda . We've had some great victories, but much more remains to be done. Please help us continue to fight . Not only did Obama oppose what conservatives support, his administration systematically targeted conservatives for scrutiny, punishment and even banishment. His Internal Revenue Service under the leadership of Lois Lerner systematically targeted cons...

IRS plays coy on revoking tax-exempt status of orgs that oppose same-sex ‘marriage’

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK , August 11, 2015  – The Supreme Court decision not only legalizing same-sex "marriage," but finding it an enforceable constitutional right, has raised concerns among Christian churches, charities, and educational institutions about government enforcement of that newly discovered right. Those churches and church organizations that support natural marriage may come under persecution by the federal government, most immediately in the form of the revocation of tax-exempt status . This feared revocation would mean not only that contributions to churches would no longer be tax-deductible, but also that churches may be assessed large property taxes, or even have to pay taxes on contributions, which would financially cripple most Christian organizations. Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt reflected those concerns in a letter he wrote to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen . Pruitt asked whether organizations could be targeted for denial of their tax-exemp...

Ken Cuccinelli protects marriage in Virginia, says gays ‘married’ out-of-state file taxes as single

RICHMOND, VA , December 5, 2013 ( ) – Homosexual couples who “marry” outside of Virginia will still be treated as singles by state tax officials, state officials say. The decision was made after state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli ’s office pointed out that the ruling did not apply to individual states. As a result, homosexual couples living in Virginia who choose to ‘marry’ out-of-state will face inconvenience and a higher bill come tax time. The Virginia Department of Taxation issued a  bulletin  last month explaining the differences between federal and state tax laws and providing “married” homosexual couples with instructions on how to file their state taxes. The bulletin explains that while the state had historically defaulted to the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) definition of marriage for tax calculation purposes, it can no longer do so because Virginia’s constitution was amended in 2007 to specifically block the state governme...

Obama’s IRS disregards state law, Supreme Court ruling on same-sex ‘marriage’

WASHINGTON, D.C. , August 30, 2013 ( Heritage Foundation ) - Just as families are getting ready to head out the door for a long holiday weekend, the Obama administration has rolled out new policies that disregard states’ authority over marriage and redefine marriage for a variety of federal purposes. The  U.S. Department of the Treasury and the IRS  and the  Department of Health and Human Services  put out press releases on Thursday announcing they’ll be recognizing same-sex marriage even in states that define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. The agencies announced that they will recognize same-sex couples as married provided that they were married in states that have redefined marriage, even if they now reside in states that retain the historical definition of marriage. As Treasury and IRS put it, “The ruling applies regardless of whether the couple lives in a jurisdiction that recognizes same-sex marriage or a jurisdiction that does not reco...

Supreme Court strikes down part of Defense of Marriage Act as ‘unconstitutional’

 In a significant blow for traditional marriage in the United States, the country's Supreme Court has ruled this morning that a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. At the same time, the court has declined to rule directly on the constitutionality of gay "marriage" itself, somewhat limiting the impact of the decision. A part of the Clinton-era DOMA that prohibited "married" homosexual couples from receiving federal benefits was struck down 5-4. The  majority decision  was authored by Justice Anthony Kennedy . He was joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. "DOMA singles out a class of persons deemed by a State entitled to recognition and protection to enhance their own liberty,” says the decision. "It imposes a disability on the class by refusing to acknowledge a status the State finds to be dignified and proper." “The federal statute is invalid," it continu...

Homosexual Bullies in Congress intimidate submission

The epic events of the last week for marriage unfolded at breakneck speed: a huge victory for marriage, an attack on you and your rights that was truly "scurrilous" — But first the courage of one man who stood up for truth and justice in the halls of Congress. NOM's Chairman of the Board John Eastman went viral — and it's the result of his amazing courage and eloquence in standing up to some Democrats in Congress who argued traditional marriage supporters have no right to the same tax-exempt status that gay rights groups have. When, shamefully, Rep. Earl Blumenauer said that NOM should be stripped of our nonprofit status because we oppose gay marriage, it was John Eastman who put him in his place. "Scurrilous" is the word he used to describe these Democrats who do not respect your First Amendment rights , or the rights of millions of American to participate equally in the American public square. "Representative Blumenauer, it's your kind of stat...

IRS Bullies target Christians who dont support Homosexual Marriage

NOM's decision to stand up to abuse and fight back by suing the IRS is generating a mountain of positive responses with major media outlets. By our rough count, NOM's case has been mentioned over 85 times this past week! A special shout-out to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz , a major GOP presidential hopeful, for speaking out about this abuse of power in front of the cameras at a morning press conference: Fox News took notice on numerous occasions — including this one: Here's NOM's own fighting law professor and Chairman John Eastman on Neil Cavuto : But of all the coverage the one that lays bare new and important details is this radio interview between Mike Huckabee and John Eastman: Mike Huckabee:   "...this is pretty explosive. It's one thing to say an application got bureaucratic red tape that's inexcusable and unforgivable but what you're saying is that the information that by law is confidential on your tax return was handed over to ...