Australia: Politician Warren Entsch has no argument to support immoral Homosexual marriage

Delaying a plebiscite on same-sex marriage is in danger of becoming a moot point for the Turnbull government. Unless it can win over Labor, any enabling legislation for a popular vote looks like going down in the Senate. Australian Federal cabinet, meeting in Canberra on Tuesday, is considering advice from electoral authorities that recommends against a plebiscite before February next year. Labor, the Greens, three senators from the Nick Xenophon Team and independent Derryn Hinch all oppose a plebiscite and their combined vote is enough to scuttle government plans in the upper house. The Australian population want to be able to vote on this immoral issue. Having watched other countries, Australians know that the LGBT agenda will not stop at marriage. It is brutal with LGBT people using courts and police to enforce their worldview. Fines, jail sentences, companies shut down due to LGBT pressure. "The plebiscite is pointless," Greens leader Richard Di Natale said. The Gre...