Don't celebrate kids in drag - pray for them

I’d like to think that any adult worth their salt would want to throttle the adults who allowed a 10-year-old boy to dress in full drag queen garb . They would fear for that child’s life and soul. I’d like to believe that. But I can’t anymore. I can’t because it seems to be the next demand of the “LGBTQIxyz” agenda: celebrate and encouraging the queering of our children. Don’t try to tell me this isn’t being done on purpose. This is just the next piece in the puzzle, the next envelope to be pushed, the next frontier to be blazed. The next frontier after that? Decriminalize and then normalize pedophilia as just another “orientation” that is common to human beings and thus, normal. Sexualizing Children The “m.o.” is to sexualize the children from toddlerhood. Bonus points if you queer them. Sever their healthy ties to biological reality. Tell them their physical bodies mean nothing and send them adrift on the sea of their feelings. Break down their natural and healthy sense of modes...