BuzzFeed shaming Pastors against homosexual sin

Things are going absolutely nuts with the Christophobes in the West . They are so full of hate for any believer who dares to take his faith seriously, especially in the public arena, that they have launched an all-out war on the faith. They are on a search and destroy mission to hunt down and silence all public believers. And they are doing all this in the name of tolerance, diversity and acceptance of course. The secular left and the militant homosexual lobby are as intolerant and nasty as you can get. A recent example of this involves how a much loved American television couple has been treated, simply because they go to church! I kid you not. The American private Internet media company BuzzFeed is at the centre of all this. Their headline and subtitle say it all: “Chip And Joanna Gaines’ Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage.” “Their pastor considers homosexuality to be a ‘sin’ caused by abuse — whether the Fixer U...